Posted on 6 May 2022 in colonialism

Announcement: Launch of Deana Heath’s Colonial Terror: Torture and State Violence in Colonial India

Former ISRF Fellow Deana Heath will be launching latest book, Colonial Terror: Torture and Violence in Colonial India.


ISRF Mid-Career Fellow 2017–18

Main image:
close-up of book cover for Colonial Terror.

This book launch will not be hosted by the ISRF. The below announcement has been reproduced with permission from the Perpetrator Studies Network, Utrecht University. See the original announcement here.

Focusing on India between the early nineteenth century and the First World War, Colonial Terror examines the ways in which extraordinary violence was embedded in the ordinary operation of colonial states. Heath explores the centrality of the torture of Indian bodies to the law-preserving violence of colonial rule. Although enacted largely by Indians on Indian bodies, particularly by subaltern members of the police, she argues that torture was facilitated, systematized, and ultimately sanctioned by first the East India Company and then the Raj because it benefitted the colonial regime.

The respondents will be Mayur Suresh, Senior Lecturer in Law at SOAS, and Radha Kumar, Assistant Professor in History at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University.

Date: 26 May 2022
Time: 18:00 CEST (17.00 BST)
Location: Zoom

This event will take place online, on Zoom. To register please follow this link.