Collaborative Fellowships

Only pairs of scholars are eligible to apply, and must apply together. Applicants will normally hold a full-time or part-time salaried position – which may be permanent or fixed-term – at an institution of higher education and research, though independent scholars are also eligible.

Each pair must represent two different disciplines and two different institutions. Applications from two countries or nationalities are also encouraged: one of the aims of this award is to facilitate collaboration across borders.

Applications are expected for awards up to a maximum value of €40,000 per pair.

First Collaborative Fellowships Competition

In November 2021, the ISRF launched its first Collaborative Fellowships competition. Having received a number of strong proposals, the Selection Panel met in July 2022, and voted to make three awards.

Dr Nelson Chanza & Dr Eric Makombe
Dr Nelson Chanza & Dr Eric Makombe

Mitigation or Adaptation to Climate Change? In search of a Sustainable Development Trajectory for post-colonial Zimbabwe

Angelika Fortuna & Dewi Tan
Angelika Fortuna & Dewi Tan

Beyond Disasters: The Discourse of Resilience in a Sinking Jakarta

Dr Leonardo Niro & Dr Bruno Rates
Dr Leonardo Niro & Dr Bruno Rates

The forces of life and the energies of mind: The mobilization of concepts of force and energy in the life and psychological sciences in the 18th and 19th century

Contacting Fellows

If you would like to contact any of our Fellows to discuss their ISRF-funded work, please contact Dr Lars Cornelissen (Academic Editor) in the first instance, at