Posted on 8 April 2015 in awards, news

First Flexible Grants for Small Groups Competition – Awards Made

In November 2014, the ISRF launched its first Flexible Grants for Small Groups competition. Having received a number of strong proposals, a pool of independent external assessors supported the funding of nine projects.

First Flexible Grants for Small Groups Competition

Scholars from within Europe were eligible to apply as Principal Investigator(s) to lead a small group of 2-10 scholars. Awards were made to:

  • Ilias Alami
    Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, Uppsala University
  • Elena Baglioni
    Reader in Global Supply Chain Management, Queen Mary University of London
  • Ali Bhagat
    Assistant Professor in Global Development Studies, Saint Mary’s University
  • Levi Gahman
    Reader in Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool
  • Avery Gordon
    Visiting Professor, School of Law, Birkbeck University of London
  • Chris Hesketh
    Reader in International Political Economy, Oxford Brookes University
  • Lara Montesinos Coleman
    Reader in International Relations, Law and Development, University of Sussex
  • Ashli Mullen
    Postdoctoral Tutor in Sociology, University of Glasgow
  • Manjeet Ramgotra
    Senior Lecturer in Political Theory, SOAS University of London
  • Costis Repapis
    Lecturer in Economics, Goldsmiths University of London
  • Jonathan Saha
    Associate Professor of South Asian History, Durham University
  • Gábor Scheiring
    Central European University, Democracy Institute
  • Francesca Sobande
    Senior Lecturer in Digital Media Studies, Cardiff University
  • Mehroosh Tak
    Lecturer in Agribusiness, Royal Veterinary College
  • Ragupathy Venkatachalam
    Senior Lecturer in Economics, Goldsmiths, University of London
  • Elian Weizman
    Senior Lecturer in International Relations, London South Bank University
  • Joy White
    Lecturer in Applied Social Studies, University of Bedfordshire

Contacting Grantees

If you would like to contact any of our Grantees to discuss their ISRF-funded work, please contact Dr Lars Cornelissen (Academic Editor) in the first instance, at