Posted on 12 January 2012 in democracy, movements, political affect, social rights

Sortition and the requirement for state impartiality in transitional and developing democracies

Dr Olly Dowlen


This study programme is designed to investigate how the use of randomly selected citizens in public offices could help to develop impartial state institutions and so add stability to developing democracies. By exploring and identifying problems relating to factionalism experienced by modern states in transition to democracy or seeking to maintain democratic progress, the study then uses several model schemes to assess how sortition could contribute towards their resolution.

As well as examining current theoretical appraisals of the transition to, and consolidation of, democracy, the study will draw on historical examples of the successful use of sortition, modern theories on the value of choosing office-holders by lottery, and particular case-studies of states in transition to democracy to examine these claims.

Contacting Fellows

If you would like to contact any of our Fellows to discuss their ISRF-funded work, please contact Dr Lars Cornelissen (Academic Editor) in the first instance, at