Please note: the competition listed on this page has closed. The ISRF will not be running another First Book Grant competition in 2023. Recently graduated PhDs may consider applying to the ISRF’s Early Career Fellowship competition, which is set to launch in January 2023.

The Independent Social Research Foundation wishes to support recent PhD graduates in their effort to turn their PhD thesis into a publishable book.

Researchers may apply from across the social sciences and the humanities. The awards are intended to provide a research stipend (to cover living costs plus reasonable research expenses) for a period of up to twelve months.

Please read these details carefully – and consult the FAQs – before commencing an application or contacting the ISRF with a query. Applications must be submitted before 6pm CET on 4th February 2022. Applicants are strongly advised to submit applications well in advance of this deadline. If you have any technical issues, please notify Stuart Wilson immediately.

Application Queries

Please consult the FAQ’s before contacting us directly.

Queries should be directed to Dr Lars Cornelissen in the first instance.