Societal Consequences of Modern Hybrid Warfare

Small Group Project 2023-24

Societal Consequences of Modern Hybrid Warfare: the Case of Ukraine after the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022

Small Group Project 2023-24

The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 became the peak hot phase of modern hybrid warfare, which combines a whole range of means, starting with military, political and economic, and ending with cybernetic and cultural and humanitarian ones. A modern hybrid war of this scale is unprecedented in the recent history of Europe and requires a theoretical comprehension and development of an adequate state policy. 

The study of the societal consequences of modern hybrid war requires special attention of scientists from political economy, sociology and public governance. What changes will the shocks of this war cause for social relations and the socio-economic and demographic structure of the warring countries? How does hybrid warfare affect the modern network–information economy and what resources does it require? Why and how is the social texture of society trans(de)formed under the pressure of modern hybrid threats? Is it possible to prevent the rapid precarization of a warring society?

What new societal constructs emerge in the course of hybrid warfare and post-war reconstruction? What are the features of the war and post-war institutionalization of the socio-economic reality? For what reasons has the current hybrid war become a mechanism of organic solidarization of the Ukrainian nation? How will the societal consequences of the war against Ukraine affect the processes of Europe’s regional integration and the formation of a New World Order?

Finding argued answers to these questions is important not only for Ukraine, which today directly bears the heavy burden of war, but also for many other countries suffering from hybrid threats to their security. Therefore, our Project aims to (1) contribute to the creation of a theoretical and methodological basis for assessing the societal consequences of modern hybrid warfare, and (2) disseminate the obtained research results through scientific articles in specialized publications.

Contacting Fellows

If you would like to contact any of our Fellows to discuss their ISRF-funded work, please contact Dr Lars Cornelissen (Academic Editor) in the first instance, at