The racialised, classed and gendered politics of food pedagogies


The racialised, classed and gendered politics of food pedagogies

Small Group Project 2022-23

Current studies of food pedagogies across different spheres and sites contribute to our understanding of food curricula and processes, moralities, politics and social hierarchies of difference, but there is still much work to be done and which this workshop invites. The focus on food studies pedagogy provides a forum to explore the specificities of what makes food, and food education ‘pedagogical’, a topic somewhat under-developed to date. How are the processes of formal and informal ‘teaching’ and ‘learning’ designed and performed specifically across different social spaces, relations and practices in relation to food? Secondly, the relationship between the ‘pedagogical state’, its programmes, food citizenship and expectations for schooling and teachers can be deepened through attention to the materialities of food, embodiments and the senses. Thirdly, much research on adult food pedagogies focuses on middle-class foodies but neglects the education and training of food pedagogy related semi-professions such as nurses, mid-wives, fitness experts and dieticians. Fourthly, the ongoing global pandemic has intensified questions about food work and food inequalities but the politics of food pedagogies related to Covid-19 have yet to be explored, especially in relation to the hostile environment and food poverty.

Contacting Fellows

If you would like to contact any of our Fellows to discuss their ISRF-funded work, please contact Dr Lars Cornelissen (Academic Editor) in the first instance, at